Sunday, 29 November 2009


What is being referred to here is obviously a book of poems, there is no feeling of uncertainty about it. The impromptu question that arises, who this 'Lahiri' is?  I will try to clear the doubts. Mr.S.K Lahiri long back in early twentieth century wished to keep alive his father Babu Ramtanu Lahiri's (1813-1898) memory. So he gifted the copyright of his book to University of Calcutta with the idea that the University will raise two gold medals from the fund arising from the sales of this book. These two were named as 'Lahiri medals' to be awarded to, two highest standing candidates in B.A in the subject of 'mental and moral philosophy'. But some changes occurred. In 1914 the University's Syndicate and Senate bodies after  discussion with the donor funded Ramtanu Lahiri research fellowship in 'History of Bengali language and literature' from this fund. The photocopy on the right is a rare first page of the book from University's publication in 1941. I am not sure whether Ramtanu or his son S.K Lahiri liked the poems or not. But one thing is for sure is that three school Headmasters in those days compiled the poems taking utmost care. Who they were, was never known or their names inscribed in the book. This book measuring 139 pages and 58 poems is a marvel when appreciated from a compiler's standpoint. The spread out of poems  range from Shakespeare, Nashe, Wotton, Dekker, Herrick, Blake, Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats to De la mare.The only Indian entry is 'Cradle song' by Mrs. Naidu. Such vast and unique is the collection that any publisher from this twentieth century will be dumbstruck and humiliated. This book was a compulsory inclusion in class IX syllabus in the golden era of matriculation examination. I am sure none from class IX these days will be able to assimilate such higher level of English literature. We and our students may have entered a world of extreme jugglery of abbreviations from the I.T (Information Technology) but alas with a loss of heart for the vibrant, worthy English and Vernacular literature. I myself have proper respect for today's Headmasters with M.A(English). But I am not confident of believing that they are comfortable of delivering such level of English teaching.


Rina Chakravarti said...

I am very happy to come to your site on 'Lahiri's Select Poem' while searching for my great grand father Prasanna Kumar Lahiri, who was a teacher at the Metropolitan Institue.

I would like to know the source of information re the authorship of this book. As far as I remember from childhood, I knew this book to be associated with his name.


calcuttaliterati said...

Much of the information is gathered from the book ‘Lahiri’s select poems’ itself. This book contains a preface which literally narrates its birth. It does state that the book was compiled by three head masters, not naming them. I will be happy if I find your great grand father Sri Lahiri, a teacher from Metropolitan school, to be one of the three compilers mentioned in this collection.